TypeScript types

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PostHog supports TypeScript apps natively, without you having to compile the TypeScript yourself (although you can also do that).

To build a TypeScript app, you'll probably need some types, so read on.


To use the types in your app, you can install them as follows:

# if using yarn
yarn add --dev @posthog/plugin-scaffold
# if using npm
npm install --save-dev @posthog/plugin-scaffold

Then, in your apps, you can use them like so:

import { PluginEvent, PluginMeta } from '@posthog/plugin-scaffold'
export function processEvent(event: PluginEvent, meta: PluginMeta) {
if (event.properties) {
event.properties['hello'] = 'world'
return event


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Apps extend PostHog's functionality by either pulling data into or sending data out of PostHog. They allow anyone to extend and customize PostHog in order to better fit their needs. Explore our app library Apps can be used for a wide variety of use cases, such as: Pulling data from a third-party API to enrich the event. Apps can pull in information like exchange rates, GeoIP location data, online reviews, and anything else you can think of and add it to your PostHog events, enriching the data…

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